Bias Anyone Can See

My older daughter had a research paper to do for tenth grade. The paper would also have to be persuasive in nature, and she was given a list of topics to choose from. She chose the topic dealing with bias in the media against the Catholic Church. There was no shortage of material for her,…

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You Don’t Help by Objectifying Me

Once again, we are approaching Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which seems to bleed more and more into September with every passing year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for ethical breast cancer research and treatment, but even putting aside the insidious Susan G. Komen Foundation – who is more wed to abortion than actually helping…

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Rejected Stones

I swear, you’re going to start thinking this blog is about nothing but the Liturgy of the Hours. Last night, while praying Vespers, I had a bit of a lightbulb moment as I read the New Testament reading: READING 1 Peter 2:4-5 Come to the Lord, a living stone, rejected by men but approved, nonetheless, and…

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