The Jesse Tree

For years, our family has used the Jesse Tree to help our children focus on Advent rather than Christmas-come-early. As the culture around us continues to become more secular, we find Christmas decorations and carols being brought out earlier and earlier. Pretty soon, we’re wishing each other Merry Thanksgivoween!


Not only that, but once Thanksgiving has passed, Christmas comes at us full-on, and in our culture, this often means that we are accosted with a constant barrage of consumerism that would make poor Linus pass out, let alone squirm! Ads constantly present huge, expensive electronics as a normal present to give to younger and younger children (we had a friend give his 4 year old an iPad the first year they were out because “she likes mine”), kids are pushed to ask their parents for more and more, and people treat Christmas shopping as some kind of drudgery rather than an opportunity to find a special gift for someone they love. Instead, we’re told that bigger is better! More presents is what the kids want!

Gracious, we’re raising a generation of Dudley Dursleys!

When our girls were very young, I think about 7 and 4, we decided to start a tradition of doing evening readings during Advent centered around a Jesse Tree. That year, I printed off paper ornaments that the girls cut out and colored in, and we hung them with ribbon from a bare branch in our living room.

I got more adventurous by 2008, and decided to use our Christmas tree, bare until Gaudette Sunday, as our Jesse Tree and had the girls make salt dough ornaments which they painted and I numbered for each day with a Sharpie.

In 2010, I’d had enough trying to read the Scripture verses on the backs of the ornaments and made this document with the readings in full and printed them off to keep in a three-prong folder, which my younger daughter decorated. In 2012, my girls made new ornaments for us to use, for alas! Salt dough ornaments do not last forever, no matter how carefully you wrap them in tissue paper!

While I re-post my Jesse Tree readings daily from December 1 through 25 every year, a sweet friend suggested that I keep a special page with links to the readings all in one place, for a quick and easy reference. And so that’s what this page is for. Here you’ll find my resources that I’ve used for the Jesse Tree, along with readings for the month.

Now, how do you get started? Here are some handy links for you to consider:

74 thoughts on “The Jesse Tree

  1. Thanks for linking to the black and white coloring pages ornaments. Your online readings for Jesse tree advent are terrific. I used them today with the kids. This makes doing Jesse tree very easy. I’ve bookmarked the page so we can go back to it regularly during advent.


  2. Pingback: Make a Jesse Tree Advent Calendar to Celebrate Christmas this Year

  3. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 2 |

  4. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 3 |

  5. Pingback: Advent Challenge – Day 3 – Jesse Tree « Team Orthodoxy

  6. Pingback: Finding Jesse | Belonging

  7. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 11 |

  8. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 12 |

  9. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 13 |

  10. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 14 |

  11. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 15 |

  12. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 17 |

  13. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 24 |

  14. Pingback: Jesse Tree, Day 25 |

  15. Pingback: Preparing for Advent: Waiting in Joyful Hope « holinessinmotherhood

  16. Pingback: Seven Quick Takes: Turkey Hangover Edition | Domestic Vocation

  17. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree Introduction (Repost) | Domestic Vocation

  18. Pingback: Celebrating Advent: Jesse Tree: December 1 | Domestic Vocation

  19. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 2 | Domestic Vocation

  20. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 3 | Domestic Vocation

  21. Pingback: Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; He has come to His people and set them free! | Domestic Vocation

  22. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 4 | Domestic Vocation

  23. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 5 | Domestic Vocation

  24. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 6 | Domestic Vocation

  25. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 7 | Domestic Vocation

  26. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 8 | Domestic Vocation

  27. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 9 | Domestic Vocation

  28. Pingback: Advent Wreath Link-Up! | Domestic Vocation

  29. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 10 | Domestic Vocation

  30. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 11 | Domestic Vocation

  31. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 12 | Domestic Vocation

  32. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 13 | Domestic Vocation

  33. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 14 | Domestic Vocation

  34. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 15 | Domestic Vocation

  35. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 16 | Domestic Vocation

  36. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 17 | Domestic Vocation

  37. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 18 | Domestic Vocation

  38. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 19 | Domestic Vocation

  39. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 20 | Domestic Vocation

  40. Pingback: Santa Shaming | Domestic Vocation

  41. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 21 | Domestic Vocation

  42. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 22 | Domestic Vocation

  43. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 23 | Domestic Vocation

  44. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 24 (Christmas Eve) | Domestic Vocation

  45. Pingback: Celebrate CHRISTMAS! Jesse Tree: Merry Christmas! | Domestic Vocation

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  47. Pingback: Small Success Thursday: Baby Steps Edition | Domestic Vocation

  48. Pingback: Advent 2014: And So It Begins | FranciscanMom

  49. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 1 | Domestic Vocation

  50. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 2 | Domestic Vocation

  51. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 3 | Domestic Vocation

  52. Pingback: Small Success Thursday: Thanksgiving Survival Edition | Domestic Vocation

  53. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 4 | Domestic Vocation

  54. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 5 | Domestic Vocation

  55. Pingback: Seven Quick Takes: Crazy Schedules, Crazy Doctor’s Appointments, and Crazy Christmas Presents | Domestic Vocation

  56. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 6 | Domestic Vocation

  57. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 7 | Domestic Vocation

  58. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 8 | Domestic Vocation

  59. Pingback: Celebrate Advent: Jesse Tree: December 9 | Domestic Vocation

  60. Pingback: Christmas: Traditions and Keeping the Feeling of it Year-Round | Domestic Vocation

  61. Just want to say THANK YOU for putting in all this work to make it easy for us to copy and our families to benefit from your effort. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Pingback: #7QT: Six Quick Takes and a Rant | Domestic Vocation

  63. Pingback: Keeping Advent: Why Use a Jesse Tree? | Domestic Vocation

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  66. Pingback: Letting Go of Traditions - - Celebrating Catholic Motherhood

  67. Pingback: Here comes Advent (with more resources) – Teaching Catholic Kids

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