Memorial Day Yummies

Happy Memorial Day! I know lots of people like cooking out today, and our family will be doing so with our parish priest this evening. Aside from ribs (BBQ and rub), we’ll be having burgers and hot dogs, with an option for chili, plus a side dish of Mac Daddy Salad in addition to the…

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Fridays without Fishsticks

Meatless Fridays don’t necessarily mean fish sticks and tuna casserole (though I do have a fantastic runs casserole recipe I got from Weight Watchers). I made this WW recipe for Chipotle-Chutney Tuna Steaks last night, though because I was short on tuna steaks I subbed half with salmon filets. This recipe is found in WW’s…

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Recipe for a “Chili” Night

I have a variety of cookbooks, nearly all low-calorie or low-fat stuff. And I love writing out a menu plan so when the kids ask me, “What’s for dinner?” I can point to the calendar. (Yup. It’s on my iCal, which gets printed out weekly and synced on our iPod Touches and various computers.) One…

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